The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: August 26

WILLIAMSBURG, August 26, 1773.
On Thursday the 19th Instant, after a lingering illness, died Mr. William Rind, public Printer to the Colony; who supported the Character of an affectionate Husband, kind Parent, and a benovolent Man. His Impartiality in the Conduct of his Gazette, by publishing the Productions of the several contending Parties that have lately appeared in this County, cannot fail of securing to his Memory the Esteem of all who are sensible how much the Freedom of the Press contributes to maintain and extend the most sacred Rights of Humanity.

Virginia Gazette (Purdie Dixon) August 26, 1773

About this entry:

William Rind brought his family from Maryland to open a second printing office in Williamsburg in 1766. As public printer he printed the official publications of the colonial government as well as a second Virginia Gazette. His family rented the Ludwell Paradise house on Duke of Gloucester Street. After Rind's death, his wife, Clementina, continued as Public Printer until she died of tuberculosis little more than a year later. Their deaths left their four young children destitute.

Sources: WAR

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