The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: July 24

WILLIAMSBURG, Wednesday, July 24, 1779.
Ever attentive to the interests of their country, jealously concerned for its welfare, and justly alarmed at the critical situation in which America stands, some publick spirited inhabitants of this city, having maturely considered the premises, are of opinion, that from the present alarming depreciated state of our paper currencies, the exorbitant prices of all the articles and necessaries of life, imported or manufactured, and the dangerous practices of monopolizers, forestallers and engrossers, consequent and inevitable ruin will ensue, unless by the timely and spirited exertions of the independent and patriotick friends to their country, a speedy and effectual remedy is applied to these great and growing evils; and have therefore determined to call for and collect the general sense and opinion of those respectible citizens and freemen of this corporation who feel themselves actuated by the same laudable motives, in a town-meeting, to be held at the town courthouse tomorrow, at 10 o'clock.

Virginia Gazette (Dixon & Nicolson) July 24, 1779

About this entry:

Propositions respectfully submitted at the Town Meeting included fixing prices of goods sold in Williamsburg. Read the complete article for more. The devaluaction of the currency was a national problem, and a few weeks later an article appeared in the Virginia Gazette from Philadelphia. The Committee governing that city, too said it was time for the government to intervene to save the economy, "It has long been said that trade will regulate itself, yet sufficient experience has shown that the maxim, though admittedly true in some cases, is not so in all."

Sources: Virginia Gazette, Dixon and Nicolson, August 07, 1779, page 1

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