The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: October 23

FISH-KILL, October 23, 1777.
We learn that the enemy have burnt the house of the late judge Livingston, the house of Mr. Robert Livingston and sundry others.

Virginia Gazette (Dixon & Hunter) November 28, 1777

About this entry:

Livingston became politically active in the era of the Stamp Act Revolt, and was probably (along with his brother, William), involved with the Sons of Liberty in New York. In 1776, as a member of the Provincial congress of New York, he was selected to attend the Continental Congress. He was one of the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence but was recalled by his state before he could sign it. Livingston was appointed Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Secretary of State) soon after the Articles of Confederation were adopted. He served that post until 1783, when he was appointed Chancellor of the State of New York. He was an advocate for the Federal Constitution, and served as a delegate to the New York convention held at Poughkeepsie in 1788, to ratify it. On the 30th of April, 1789, Livingston administered the presidential oath of office to George Washington.

Sources: ANB

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