The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: March 20

WILLIAMSBURG, March 20, 1777.
ON Thursday next, at 4 o'clock in the Afternoon, will be sold at public Auction, before the Raleigh, for ready Money, a Quantity of Virginia LINEN, made at the Williamsburg Manufactory. For the Conveniency of the Purchasers, it will be cut into small Pieces. Having employed an exceeding good Heckler, regularly bred to the Business in England, all Persons who have Flax to dress may have it done at this Manufactory in the best and most expeditious Manner, and on reasonable Terms; the Price of heckling to be paid before the flax is taken away, or it would be equally agreeable to take Flax, Cotton, or Hemp, in Payment. JOHN CRAWFORD, Agent for the Manufactory.

Virginia Gazette (Dixon & Hunter) March 21, 1777

About this entry:

Linen is made from flax. The ratio of processing flax from field to loom is between 15 and 24 hours of hands-on labor for every one hour of weaving. Williamsburg Manufactory was located on the north side of Queen's Creek, opposite to Queen Mary's Port. Peyton Randolph was president of this company and John Crawford was the factory manager.

Language notes:

Heckling means dressing flax by combing.

Sources: Spinning at CW, Max Hamrick, 2004; WMQ 16(1) 36

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