The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: February 18

WILLIAMSBURG, February 18, 1775.
Whereas we, the Subscribers, have laid out a Town on James River, below the great Mountains, in Amherst County, Virginia, and near the upper end of Navigation with small Craft in said River, in a very healthy convenient Place for Trade and Tradesmen, where good Wheat may yearly be bought at 2s. 6d. a Bushel, and Indian Corn figures 1s. 6d. To 2s. a Bushel, and other Grain on very reasonable Terms, also good fat Beef from 1 1/2d. to 2d. a Pound, and fat Hogs from 2d. To 3d. a Pound; and being determined to do every thing in our Power to promote the said Town, and encourage all Inhabitants: We hereby give public Notice thereof, and likewise that we rent Lots in said Town (called Bethel) for Lives, or any Term of Years, 5s. Per Year the first seven Years, 10s. Per Year the next seven Years, and 15s. Per Year the next seven Years; also will rent several Acres of Land convenient thereto, at 2s. 6d. an Acre yearly Rent, and give the first Settlers some Timber for building. The Trades most wanting in the said Town, at this Time, are, a good Blacksmith, a Tailor, a Shoemaker, a Weaver, a Cutler, a Cabinet-Maker, a Wheelwright, and Persons that understand Mines, there being great and many Signs of Tin, Lead, and Copper; and as the Lands therebouts are very fertile and kind for Flax, Hemp, or any Sort of Grain, we are desirous of establishing a Linen Factory, a Rope-Walk, and a Brewhouse; so that all Persons well skilled in said Trades, and who settle in said Town, may expect all reasonable encouragement from NICHOLAS DAVIES. HENRY LANGDON DAVIES.

Virginia Gazette (Dixon & Hunter) February 18, 1775

About this entry:

Nicholas Davies (1709-1794) immigrated from England to Virginia as a young man. He became a successful dealer in lands, locating, entering, patenting, transferring and selling them. He gradually acquired a vast domain in what is referred to as "Middle Virginia". At one time his various entries extended from Muddy Creek in Cumberland Co to the Scotch-Irish Falls near Blue Ridge in Bedford Co. He and his son Henry Langdon Davies laid out the town of Bethel near the grist mill on Salt Creek. Between Lynchburg and the Pedlar River, Bethel was the best access to the river to ship tobacco to Richmond . However, twenty-six years elapsed before Bethel was established by an act of Assembly.

Sources: Amherst Co. Muse, May 2002- ;

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