The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: December 11

WILLIAMSBURG, December 11, 1779.
Dentrifrice for the teeth and gums, equal to Dr. Baker's, made by Anne Neill. The public may always be supplied by her, and at Mr. Brand's, Williamsburg. N.B. Mrs. Neill will allow two dollars for all the empty dentifrice pots that are returned.

Virginia Gazette (Clarkson & Davis) December 11, 1779

About this entry:

Dentifrice is a powder or other preparation for rubbing or cleansing the teeth. One recipe from the 18th century calls for "an ounce of Myrrh in fine powder, two spoonfuls of the best white Honey, and a little green Sage in fine powder".

Sources: OED, Buc'hoz. P16

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