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Periodical Index Detail

Trend & Tradition

Title Aiming for Versatility
Issue Volume 02, Number 04 (T&T, Autumn 2017)
Description Gunsmiths in 18th Century America had to master a wide variety of trades in order to create a finished firearm. Unlike Europe, where gun manufacturing was the result of many tradesman who each focused on the production of a gun part, early America had a shortage of skilled labor. This meant colonial gunsmiths had to have the skills of a blacksmith, a founder, woodcarver, and engraver to fulfill all the demand. Colonial Williamsburg gunsmiths today work on producing a few sporting guns each year for a waiting list of customers willing to pay around $20,000 each. The current apprentices are Eric Von Aschwege, Richard Sullivan, and Darrin McDonal.
Author Trifone, Nicole
Pages 26-30
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