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Trend & Tradition

Title Felicity Then and Now
Issue Volume 02, Number 03 (T&T, Summer 2017)
Description The Pleasant Company, creators of the American Doll series, is publishing a new book featuring Felicity Merriman. The character of Felicity, a nine year old girl living in Williamsburg during the American Revolution, was first introduced in 1991. Pleasant Rowland, founder of the Pleasant Company, and Valerie Tripp, the original author of the Felicity books, were inspired by the buildings and fabrics they saw while visiting Colonial Williamsburg in 1989. The new Felicity book, entitiled Gunpowder and Teacakes, follows a 21st Century girl who travels back in time and meets Felicity. Kathleen Ernst, author of the new book, also visited the Historic Area for research and was glad to see Colonial Williamsburg's committment to tell a wide range of stories.
Author Aron, Paul
Pages 78-80