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The Rockefeller Library subscribes to a wide variety of online and hard-copy journals. Electronic publications are only accessible from Colonial Williamsburg Foundation computers.

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Biometrika (ISSN 00063444)
from Vol. 1, 1901 to 2018 in JSTOR
Bios (ISSN 0005-3155)
from Vol. 1, March, 1930 to 2022 in JSTOR
BioScience (ISSN 00063568)
from Vol. 14, 1964 to 2018 in JSTOR
Biotropica (ISSN 00063606)
from Vol. 1, 1969 to 2018 in JSTOR
Black Camera (ISSN 1536-3155)
from Vol. 1, 1985 to 2020 in JSTOR
Black Music Research Journal (ISSN 02763605)
from Vol. 1, 1980 to 2020 in JSTOR
Black Perspective in Music (ISSN 00907790)
from Vol. 1, 1973 to Vol. 18, 1990 in JSTOR
Black Scholar (ISSN 0006-4246)
from Vol. 1, 1969 to 2020 in JSTOR
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (from the Internet Library of Early Journals)
from Vol. 53, 1843 to Vol. 94, 1863 at
BMJ: British Medical Journal (ISSN 0959-8138)
from Vol. 1, 1840 to 2020 in JSTOR
Bodleian Record
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 12-15, 1985-1996
BoletĂ­n de AntropologĂ­a Americana (ISSN 0252-841X)
from Vol. 1, 1937 to 2018 in JSTOR
BOMB (ISSN 0743-3204)
from Vol. 1, 1981 to 2021 in JSTOR
Book History (ISSN 1098-7371)
from Vol. 1, 1998 to 2018 in JSTOR
Bosun's Call
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 1, 1984-85
Botanical Review (ISSN 0006-8101)
from Vol. 1, 1935 to 2018 in JSTOR
Botswana Notes and Records (ISSN 0525-5090)
from Vol. 1, 1968 to 2019 in JSTOR
boundary 2 (ISSN 01903659)
from Vol. 1, 1972 to Vol. 26, 1999 in JSTOR
Bridges (ISSN 1046-8358)
from Vol. 1, 1990 to 2020 in JSTOR
Brigade Courier
paper copies in Current Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 29, 2013 -
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2038 periodical(s) found