Find Periodicals
The Rockefeller Library subscribes to a wide variety of online and hard-copy journals. Electronic publications are only accessible from Colonial Williamsburg Foundation computers.
Search for periodicals:
- 19th-Century Music (ISSN 01482076)
- from Vol. 1, 1977 to 2020 in JSTOR
- AA Files (ISSN 0261-6823)
- from No. 1, 1981/82 to 2022 in JSTOR
- Ábaco (ISSN 0213-6252)
- from No. 1, 1986 to 2020 in JSTOR
- ABBEY Newsletter
- paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, V. 1-21, 1975-1997 (some missing issues)
- Academe (continues AAUP Bulletin) (ISSN 0190-2946)
- from Vol. 1, 1915 to 2020 in JSTOR
- Academy of Management Executive (ISSN 1079-5545)
- from Vol. 1, 1987 to 2018 in JSTOR
- Academy of Management Journal (ISSN 00014273)
- from Vol. 1, 1976 to 2018 in JSTOR
- Academy of Management Learning & Education (ISSN 1537-260X)
- from Vol. 1, 2002 to 2018 in JSTOR
- Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Proceedings of the (ISSN 00973157)
- from Vol. 1, 1841 to 2020 in JSTOR
- Academy of Political Science, Proceedings of the (ISSN 00650684)
- from Vol. 13, 1928 to Vol. 38, 1991 in JSTOR
- Acadiensis, Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region (ISSN 0044-5851)
- from Vol. 1, 1971 to 2020 in JSTOR
- Accounting Historians Journal (ISSN 0148-4184)
- from Vol. 1, 1974 to 2020 in JSTOR
- Accounting Review (ISSN 00014826)
- from Vol. 1, 1926 to 2018 in JSTOR
- Acquisitions (Fogg Art Museum) (ISSN 04403800)
- from 1959 to 1970 in JSTOR
- Acta Musicologica (ISSN 00016241)
- from Vol. 3, 1931 to 2020 in JSTOR
- Acta Oeconomica (ISSN 0001-6373)
- from Vol. 1, 1966 to 2018 in JSTOR
- Acta Sociologica (ISSN 0001-6993)
- from Vols. 1- , 1955- to 2020 in JSTOR
- Administrative Science Quarterly (ISSN 00018392)
- from Vol. 1, 1956 to 2020 in JSTOR
- Administrative Theory & Praxis (ISSN 1084-1806)
- from Vol 1, 1978 to 2018 in JSTOR
- Advances in Applied Probability (ISSN 00018678)
- from Vol. 1, 1969 to 2020 in JSTOR