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Bricklayers work done at Mrs. Grimes’ for Samuel Foyster Esqr., by Thos. Holmes(1794)

  • MS 2011.9
  • 1 item

Invoice for brickwork done by Thomas Holmes [London, England] for Samuel Foyster from February 17 to November 15, 1794. Includes entries for taking down and rebuilding steps in the garden, repairing the wash-house, mending tiling etc. In 1771, Foyster inherited the estate of his uncle William Foyster, a builder and property developer. The estate comprised 573 messuages [dwelling houses together with outbuildings and adjacent land], two chapels and 178 coachhouses and stables. On January 21, 1773 Foyster married Ann Grimes at St. Pancras Chapel, London. Mrs. Grimes may have been related to Foyster by marriage and/or been a tenant.



Bricklayers Work done at Mrs. Grimes’s

For Samuel Foyster Esqr
By Thos Holmes

1794 £ s d
Feby 17 Br & Labr 1 day mending Tiling 4 hods mortar 5
hods Lime & hair 13 pan Tiles 26 plain Tiles
18 Br & Lr 1 day at Do 3 hods mortar 4 hods Lime & hair
10 plain Tiles 1 pan Tile
21 Br & Lr 1 day Taking down & Rebuilding steps in Gar
den 4 hods mortar 50 stocks 20 plain Tiles
22 Br & Lr ¾ 1 hour Finishing Do 5 hods mortar 1 hod Blue
mortar 10 Slates
March 6 Br & Lr 1 day Repairing wash-house & Carrying up
Piers For water Tub 5 hods mortar 100 stocks
7 Br & Lr 1 day Finishing Do & Repairg back of Kitchen
Range 5 hods mortar 20 stocks 12 Ten inch Tiles
Novr 15 Br & Lr 1 day mending Tiling after Carpenters 3 hods of
Lime & hair 10 pan tiles 1 Lath
£ 3..13..3


Sam’l Foyster Esqr