From the Summer 2014 journal.
Select a thumbnail, and then move your cursor over the image to magnify.
The Wren Building
Library of Congress
The Wren Building Basement Floor
Library of Congress
The Wren Building First Floor
Library of Congress
The Wren Building Second Floor
Library of Congress
The Wren Building Third Floor
Library of Congress
The Wren Building Roof Plan
Library of Congress
The Wren Building East Elevation
Library of Congress
The Wren Building South Elevation
Library of Congress
The Wren Building West Elevation
Library of Congress
The Wren Building North Elevation
Library of Congress
The Wren Building Section A-A of Main Building & North Elevation of Chapel
Library of Congress
The Wren Building Section of Center Line of Chapel
Library of Congress
The Wren Building Cross Sections of Chapel
Library of Congress
Select a thumbnail, and then move your cursor over the image to magnify.