MS86.10: Francis Nicholson Papers
William Howard letter to Rev. Jacob Henderson, 5 August 1732


Revd Sr

I have perused the Exemplification
of Govern.r Nicholsons will, and the papers annexed
to it, whereby it doth not appear, that the Same
was proved in the Chancery Court of England,
according to the Law there, by three credible
witnesses; wherefore I think it absolutely
necessary, that you should procure proper
Certificates, that the will was proved in manner
af.d, before you proceed to bring an Ejectment
for the Lands therein Mentioned.

I am Rev.d S.r Y.r most humble Servt

W Howard Augt 1732


Mr Howard. Attorney General
of Maryland to Mr Henderson.
August 5th 1732.

The Rev.d Mr Jacob Henderson