For Mrs. Scott Enc. [1773, June 12] James Minzies
12 pair cotton stockings at 6 or 7 / not the largest sieze for men
1 blue pursien pitticot 1 do pink
10 yds pink & white shot lutstring
10 yds each white do & 10 do Garnet a blooming colour apron ruffles & hand.hr thine workd Muslien
20 yds each of white, blue, & pink ribbon
6 thine boarderd double hand.hr
10 yds pretty thick muslen for ruffles & handhrs
4 pair sattin shoe black 6 pair mites & 4 pair white gloves
12 pair stuff shoes 6 of which bought at the wear-house & the other made of good shining stuff
some cat gut some wires & 3 or 4 rements of flowrd gause
1 pair earings sete like diamonds with one drop 2 or 3 pair comman earings 600 black hair pins
12 pound rappec snuff no prefume 2 or 3 snufe boxes paper
2 pair Stays I don't mind the fashion if they are made easy & full in the stomick
as much white pink & garnet pursion as will go round the bottoms of my Gownes
10 yds meninet Lace at 3 or 4 / as much joining as well & handkr

The above is all I shall want for my self the p2 other side for his Lordship which may be put in
a seprate bill but I thought you wd be the properest
judge of the underneith commision & I sure you
& your Sister will do what you can to buy them
in the cheepest way for me. I for got to mention

6 net hoods & 2 minienet joining ones
6 caps no other ribbons but pink white & blue
for his Lordship
2 pound Sillk as many deffrent colours as posseble but the largest quantity dark blue
4 thousand white chaple needles all diffrent siezes
2 pound find thread all deffrent seizes
2 pound 4d 2 do 3d
4 pound defferent colourd do
6 pound brown do
some small rements of cambrick for ruffles
6 pound pins 12 peace Tap defferent breaths
half a dozn pen-kneves 6 pair scssiers 3 larg 3
small 3 or 4 chisiles for cuting botton-wholes
12 dozn Shirt bottons 32 yd printed cotton cheap 18d 20d one pattern
12 dozn weastcot do 3 gowns deffrent pattrons 2 / 6
6 bone combs we have a larg famely of children
12 yds of the broadest cypres gause
4 dozn Laces half & the or cotton for Stays