MS36.3: John Norton and Sons Papers
Letter from Thomas Everard to John Norton, 1771-07-20

Virga 26th Augst 1771
Thomas Everard
Rec'd. the 17th Octo Exd
[via] the Randolph
Ansd the 7 Dec -- 1771
[via] Justitia


Dear Sir,

By the Randolph you have five hhds of
Tobacco made upon fresh Lands at my Plantation in Brunswick.
I am informed it is of a good Quality and doubt not you will
make the most of it. The present crop of Tobacco has been greatly
injured by the Rains and is thought will fall short of the
last this certainly must keep up the Price and make good
the advanced freight. If you see Mr and Mrs Horrocks
and can learn the state of their Healths you will oblige me
by informing me of it. That you and Mrs Norton may long
enjoy yours is the sincere wish of Dr Sir

Your most obt . Ser:

Thomas Everard

26 August 1771


Mr John Norton
Merchant in