Robert Andrews Letter to General George Weedon -September 26, 1781


Wmsburg Sepr. 26. 1781-


Mr . Hunter has laid before the Governor the
a Variety of Matter, Part only of which can be just now
observed on. The Hurry of Business & the Governor's Indis-
position oblige to defer the Consideration of many Particulars
till to Morrow. A Body of the Loudoun Militia on their
March to this Place, have been ordered to change their
Route, & join you immediately. They amount, we are told,
to about 4 or 500 Men. — The Governor has directed that
all Negroes taken from the Enemy be returned to their
former Proprietors. The Principle on which it is supposed
Men fight at present is to protect & secure to themselves
& fellow Citizens their Liberties &, Property, & not to procure

I am, Sir, with very great Respect,
your Obedt . & very hble Servt .

Robert Andrews Secy .

Genl . Weedon

From Robert Andrews
[illegible] 26th Sepr