James Williams indenture of apprenticeship to George Suggs, 1793 September 22.
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS2011.1


THIS INDENTURE witnesseth,
THAT JAMES BOYCE, Chamberlain for Norfolk Borough, agreeable to an
Order of Court, bearing date the 22d Day of September 1793 doth
put forth and bind apprentice James Williams
Orphan of James Williams to George
Sugges of this Borough, to learn the Trade or Occupation
of a Tailor And after the manner of a good and faithful
Apprentice, to serve the said George Sugges
until he arrives at the age of Twenty-One Years; during which Time the said
Apprentice, his said Master faithfully shall Serve; and in all Things behave
himself as a faithful Apprentice ought to do: And the said Master shall use
the utmost of his endeavours to Teach, or cause to be Taught or Instruct the
said Apprentice in the Occupation of a Tailor and procure
or provide him sufficient Meat, Drink, Cloaths, Washing and Lodging,
fitting for an Apprentice, during the said Term; and moreover shall cause him
to be Instructed in Reading, Writing, & Arithmetic

And for the true performance of all and singluar the Covenants and
Agreements aforesaid, the Parties bind themselves each unto the other, faith-
fully by these Presents.

IN WITNESS whereof the said Parties hath interchangeably set their Hands
and Seals Hereunto.

DATED the 24 Day of Septr 1793

Sealed and Delivered}
in the Presence of}


Ja Williams
George Suggs
22 Sep 93