July 27 1783. Letter Richard Henry Lee to William Whipple
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS 2004.6


Chantilly July 27, 17[8]3

My dear friend,

When lately I wrote you returning
my thanks for the [last] fish that you were
so kind as to send me, I omitted to mention
a thing to you that I beg leave now to observe
upon _ My eldest son Thomas Lee carries
on business from Dumfries on Potomac
river, he was carefully bred under Monsr .
Schweighauser of Nantes and understands
business well and also the french language_
As it is probable that some Gentleman in
trade at Portsmouth, or in your state, may
incline to push trade with this country, I
venture to recommend my son to the corres=
=pondence of any such person, as a Merchant
able & willing to serve him. I have the most
perfect reliance on your friendship, that
p2 you will recommend my son to any business
in the commercial way that you may know to
be coming here _ There have already been
sent many Vessels to the different rivers in
this state from the Eastward to load for
Europe, as well as to return with Cargoes to
their own country. When Vessels go from your
parts to the West Indies with your exports,
may not some of them take West India produce
and some here with it, load with Tobo., wheat,
or flower, and proceed to Europe - In short
there are many ways by which your Vessels may
pass profitably thro[ugh] us, & the more correspondence
we have with each other, the better I believe it
will be for both. I am, with the sincerest
affection and esteem dear sir your obliged
friend & servant

Richard Henry Lee


General Whipple
at Portsmouth
in the state of
New Hampshire

Review'd Sept: 6

R H Lee