July 16 1761. Letter from J. Cleveland to William Gaspey. (from collection Royal Navy Impressment Authorization Papers of Lt. William Gaspey, 1759-1761)
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2003.11


Admty Office 16th July 1761

Sr ,

My Lords Comm:rs of the Admiralty
intending to employ you in the Service of
raising Men at Reading; their Lordships
command me to acquaint you therewith, & to
signify their direction to you, to hold yourself in
readiness to set out for that Place, so soon as
you receive their Instructions, which you may
expect next Monday Evening. I am

Your humble servant

J Clevland V Lieut. Wm. Gaspey, at a Tobacconists, in Salisbury Connt, Heat Shed