November 27 1775. Commission, George III to Henry Goldsmith.
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2002.14


George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland &
Defender of the Faith, &ca: To Our Trusty and Welbeloved Henry Goldsmith, Gent
≉ ≉ ≉ ≉
Greeting : We do, by these Presents, Constitute and Appoint you to be
Lieutenant to that Company whereof                      Esqr. Is Captain in Our
Fifty fourth Regiment of Foot, commanded by Our Trusty and Welbeloved Mariscoe
Frederick Esqr. Major General of Our Forces ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉
≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉
You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the Duty of
Lieutenant ≉ by Exersising and Well-disciplining both the inferior Officers and Soldiers of
that Company and We do, hereby, Command them to Obey you as their Lieutenant≉
and you are to observe and follow such Orders and Directions, from Time to Time, as you shall receive
from your Colonel ≉ ≉ ≉ ≉ or any other your Superior Officer, according to the
Rules and Discipline of War, in pursuance of the Trust hereby reposed in you. Given at Our
Court at St. James's≉ the Twenty seventh Day of November ≉ 1775 in the sixteenth
Year of Our Reign.

Entered with the
Comry Genl of Musters
John F Hesse

By His Majesty's Command
Geo. German

Entered with the
Secretary at War
M Lewis

Henry Goldsmith, Gent Lieut . in the 5th Regt . of Foot

Henry Goldsmith Gent
in the 54th Regt . of Foot

G [image of a crown] R