Francis Fauquier, letter, May 3, 1760, to John Stanwix
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2001.1


Wmsburgh May 3d. 1760


Your favour of the 10th April came to hand
on the 26th. I have done all in my power have
the small Body of Men I am enabled to send to
join in his Majesty's Forces, ready to take the Field
on the Day you appoint: and I sincerely wish the
assembly had consented to have [left] me at Liberty
to recruit and complete the Regiment to its full
Complement, but this is a grievance only to be
comented and not redressed. I can't help thinking
the assemblys on this Continent are too cautious
on these Occasions. I was in Hopes the noble
spirit wch shines forth in their Mother Country
would have spread its influence, and raised
a spirit of emulation in its colonies, to
follow the example set before them.


I am much obliged to you for your Opinion of
my [Lead] in this cause, and am
with very great Regard

Yr. most Obed.
hum. Servt.

Fran: Fauquier

Govr. Fauquier

May ye 3rd 1760

To Masr: John Stanwix
