1772-3-15 letter, Benjamin Waller to William Byrd III
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2000.37


Wms burgh March 15th 1772


I have just reced a Letter by Capt Top, dated 17th Decr from Mr Cary
& Co: informing me that they have paid Capt. Moual £323 in full of your
protected Bill to Col: [McKenzia], & inclosing his Receipt for that Sum; they
have charged you with this, & will credit you for the 39 hhds Tobo when
sold. They have sent me a large Packet, they say by this Ship, inclosing
Letters for their Friends; but it is not come to hand as yet. The Liberty
Carr was to sail in about a Week after Top. No War, but but negociations &
Proposations going on briskly. Lord Dunmore Governor. With ~
Pleasure I inclose your old Protest; and now am to be the favour of you
To think of a much older of Demand of [Cornthwaite]'s this Spring or
Summer. This moment my Pacquet is come to hand, in which is a [Tre]
for you, which shall be sent in this, by

Yr Honor's most obt Servt

Ben: Waller

Benjamin Waller.
Of Williamsburgh Va
Born, Va, 1716-died 1786. One of the Clerks of the Council
Burgess from J.C. Co 1745-47.-MC. 1775-6?
Judge of Genl Court, 1779-1786


Memorandum a Pound Ster. [illegible]ged
for the inspection of 8 hdds
of Tobacco by [Peternum], when it
was only a £ Cury.

The Honble William Byrd Esq.