1782 January 10, Receipt for return of equipment for to Messrs Wadsworth and Carter.
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCM01984.2.3


Return of Wagons &c under the Commd of Maj. Jno Davis W.M.G Williamsburg January 10th .1782

Conductors NamesPres. FitUnfitSickOn Duty4 H. Teams3 H. TeamsTotalCasualties
John Davis£10no return
Broadhurst & [illegible]mon1231833333 waggons at Gloster, 9 Yorke, 6 at Halfway, 2 broke & 1 lost His Horses
Benjn Smith10111111 Waggon broke
Thomas Scott8888 do at Hampton with the Dukes Legions
Amount224265262Agreeable to the Condrs Returns

Messrs Wadsworth and Carter



Return of Teams
Janry 10, 1782