Jeffery Amherst, letter, May 4, 1762, to Donald Campbell
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1982.7

By His Excellency Sir Jeffery Amherst, Knight of the Most
Honorable Order of the Bathe, Major General & Commander in Chief of all His
Majesty's Forces in North America. &ca, &ca, &ca.~

To Lieut. Donald Campbell of the Royal Americans.

The Colony of Virginia having made Provisions for
Raising Two Hundred Sixty Eight Recruits for the
Regular Service, in Consequence of the King's Requisition;
and it being necessary that those men should be Reviewed by
a Regular officer, I have fixed on you for that service; and
you will accordingly Embark on board the Brigt. Ranger
and proceed to Hampton in Virginia; & from thence to Williamsburg;
where on your arrival you will Deliver the Letter herewith
to Lieut. Governor Fauquier, who will Inform you of the
Progress made in the Recruiting, that you may immediately
Enter on Reviewing the men, & ordering them on board the
aforesaid vesselle, the Master of Which is hereby Directed to
obey such orders as he shall Receive from you._

In paying the men you will observe to have them
Carefully Examined by a Surgeon: They are not to be under
Eighteen, not above Forty Years of Age: As to their size, I
should choose them not to be under Five Feet Five Inches;
but should not have you Reject any merely on that
account, provided they are not remarkably Low._ As the
men are to Receive a further Bounty of Five Pounds
New York Currency, on their being approved of by you; &
the Provincial officer that Enlists them, a Reward of Forty
shillings like money, I herewith Enclose you a Credit on
Colonel John Hunter, to supply you with what money
you may want on the above accounts; but I think it will
be better for the men, as well as prevent Desertion, that they
do not Receive their additional Bounty untill their arrival
here; and therefore you will only Draw such part of that
p2 money as you find absolutely necessary, which will only be,
in case the men make Difficultys in Embarking without their
Bounty: you will observe to take proper Receipts for
whatever monies you pay, particularly specifying the
Number of men for which the Bounties or Rewards are paid;
Any Expences attending the Examination of the men by a
Surgeon shall be allowed, on producing a proper Receipt
for the same._

As fast as you pass the men, you will order them on
board the vessell, where they must Remain as there is a
Sufficient Quantity of Provisions to victual them during
their passage; and when you think you have Embarked
a proper Number, You will Direct the master to proceed
to this Place without Delay, ordering him not to permit
any of the men to come on Shore, but to bring his vessell
to an anchor at some Distance from the Shore on his
Arrival here; and immediately Report the same to me,
that I may give the necessary Directions for their disembarking.
I shall send another vessell to Hampton, to bring you
and the Remainder of the Recruits to this Place, by the
time they can be Raised.~ Enclosed is a Table of the
Provisions to be Issued to the men while on board; Copie
of which you will Deliver to the masters of the vessels.-

Given under my Hand at Head Quarters. ~
in New York, this Day of May 1762 ~
Jeff: Amherst

By His Excellency's Command./.
Arthur Mair