George Washington, lease, November 5, 1767, to James Cocke
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1968.2


This indenture made this vth. day of November in the year
of our Lord 1767. Between George Washington esq of the
County of Fairfax of the one part and James Cocke Gent of the
City of Williamsburg of the other part. Witnesseth that
the said George Washington for and in consideration of the
Rents and Covenants herein after expressed. Hath [rubbing]
granted and to farm [rubbing] and by there Presents Doth
demise grant and to farm [torn]the said I a
Cocke his heirs and [ assigns] one certain Parcel of Land
situate lying and being in the County of York and
Bounded as follows Beginning at the Governor's Pasture
and from thence down a Branch to Widow Burfoot's
line, thence along that Line to another Branch, thence
up that Branch to the head and up a deep bottom crossing
the Main Road to the said Cocke's Line To have and to hold
the said Tract or Parcel of land with all and singular the
[appurtenancies] thereto belonging unto the said James
Cocke his heirs and assigns [faded]
until the arrival of John Custis. Son and heir of Daniel Custis
Esq. deceased, to the age of 21 years Yielding and Paying
therefore yearly and every year during the Term aforesaid
unto the said George Washington the sum of eight Pounds
current money of Virginia And the said George Washington
doth covenant and agree to and with the said James Cocke his
heirs and assigns that the said James shall peaceably and
quickly hold and occupy the said Parcel of Land and Premises
for the Term aforesaid without trouble let or molestation
and the said James [faded]
and with the said George Washington that he will not
cut or carry off from the said Land any Timber or Wood or
otherwise use or disperse of the same than for the necessary
repairs and maintenance of the said Plantation and that
he will truly annually of ever Year during the Term aforesd.
pay to the said George Washington on the vth. day of November
the sum of eight Pounds In Witness whereof the Parties have hereto
[interchangably] set their [hands] & seals the day of the year above [written]

James Cocke Go Washington

witness Fielding Lennis



to } Lease
