Peter Colt, letter, May 24, 1782, to his wife
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1958.3_2


Wsburg May 24. 1782

Your favour of the 24 alto. came to
hand a few days since, & made me quite
happy:_ happy to find I still live in your
rememberance-happy to see that your
Thoughts sometimes wander into this
distant Land-where I am exiled._ I flatter
myself that you will still cherish the
fond hope of my returning home this season,
as an event much to be wished for your
sake & the little darlings I have left with
you_ If once I could admit the Thought that
my return was a Matter of indifference to
you, my future Existance would be only a
bother to me_

I have wrote you repeatedly
in the course of this month, on the sub=
=ject of my Business_ hope the letters
may have reached you_ should colo
Wadsworth have a Waggon coming to
the Army I wish to have Four new
p2 Shirts, half a dozen stock
two silk WKSs_ & half a doz p linen Hose
sent to me_ half a doz Night Caps would
not come amiss - they would save HKss

By a Leter from Maj Tilmads
dated 24 April _ am informed of the Jays
arrival_ hope therefore your fears
respecting his loss may not prove true.

If any opportunity presents,
shall again write your Brother at
Charlestown; If he is well, its probable
he remains at that port_otherways
you may expect to hear of him at New
York_ In my last I wrote you
of the Death of Sam. Allyn Esq. at

I need not request your
Particular attention to Col.o Wads=
Worth, who is so much our Friend &
to whom we are under so many ob-
ligations_ From his obtaining
p3 leave to go home, I trust the
General does not expect to go to the
South and - my only fears are that
we shall lye idle here through
the Summer - hitherto I have
enjoyed perfect Health_ I think
I am in no more danger of sickness here
Than at the north [illegible] __

Mr P Colt is very well
& will write by this Conveyance

adieu & god bless you
yours [illegible]


Mrs. Colt