October 18 1776 Letter from George Meriwether to William Meriwether
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1938.8


Williamsburg Oct 18th 1776.

Dr Sir

I have just received your letter, and the mel
lancholly contents makes me bemoan my bro
=ther & sisters situation and greif for the loss of their
little boy, likewise the sorrow and uneaseness you
my aunt & family are under on account thereof,
such are the ills that human nature is liable
to, and while we are in this world we are [illegible]
& therefore make our abode here less desirable;
we cant help grieving for the loss of [even] children.
there [illegible] a connection. Tho after reason and reflec
=tion have time to appeal we cant help conclude
=ing the deceased has made a good change _ a
troublesome world, for an abode among the [illegible]
__ it is the Lords will, therefore human nature
must submit_

Since my letter by Stephan there has been
great application to business, There is a Bill fram
=ed to revive the Tobacco Law which has been twice
read, it is nearly on the old plan, a Bill to Break
and abolish all intails, which is in the same state
a Bill declaring Negroes, personal, ordered to be
brought in, a Bill to naturalize foreigners,
past; A Bill to raise six new Ridgments,
ordered to be brought in, the mode of choosing
the officers remains the same uncertain
state as when I before wrote you - A Bill to
divide the County of Fincastle, that past which
extended to the Westward is Called by the name
of Cantucke & reaches into that Country taking
in all the inhabitants thereof on both sides of that
River & the County which was formerly called
Fincastle, the part thereof that is left is called
p2 Washington, Fincastle is no more; A Bill to divide
the County of Pittsylvania into Two Counties one
retains the old name and the other is called Henry
after our worthy Governor, both the last mentiond
Bills are past, On the Motion of Mr. Jefferson
leave is given to bring in a Bill to remove the
seat of Government, which is to be reported to
the house on the 11th of November before which
time all the absent members are to have notice
to attend, the people of this place are vastly a
=larmed; the place to carry it to, is not mentiond
in the motion, when it is agreed to remove
it, then Richmond will be propose and some
other place in opposition to ward of the blow
but I am well assured that it will be fix'd
at Richmond; there is a Bill pass to appoint
Three persons, (not yet named) to revise our
Laws and report them to the next assembly
for it is as sound a work of such magnitude
that it would take the assembly a twelve mon[th]
constant sitting to accomplish; and from
the progress we have already made in busi
=ness I am in hopes this decision will be shorter
than first expected, there is a streak I want
keep over the Delegates, [illegible] a resoluti
=on is part that there shall be a Majority of
these Members to proceed to business & those that
shall absent themselves without leave, to
be sent for by the sergeant, the negligence of
many of the Delegates gave Birth to the
resolution, I am please with it for I am not
p3 afraid of any apparent injustice being done to my
Country when there is a full house; tho
from some thing I have seen transacted
here I cant help thinking that there is
some that are watching a thin house to
have things done that suits their purpose
without considering the injury done to the
community. __ I have not yet sold your
Tobacco tho expect to do it to Brayton or
Mr. Norton. I have been a little unwell
since I came here but at present am well
my Compliments to my aunt & family
and am with great respect

Your son in law [torn]
and most [torn]

Geo. Meriwe[torn]

NB. Mr. Ross has had
his trial and acquitted
nothing could be made
out against him



Williamsburg. 18 paid
Capt. William Meriwether

C Louisa
To go from Richmond by the
Goochland Post to the Rutherfords

[seemingly random sets of numbers written in various places and in various orientations on this page of the original document follow - see image]

1432 3 [g]
1432 /36
10 .6
15 -12

