George Wythe Letter to John Norton dated August 18, 1768
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1936.3-0118


Dear Sir

I wrote many months ago to messrs. James Buchanan and company
for an elegant set of table and tea china, with bowls of the same of different sizes,
decanters and drinking glasses, an handsome service of glass for a dessert, four
middlesized and six lesser dishes, and three dozen plates of hard metal, 100 skins
of writing parchment proper for enrolling our acts of assembly on, several bundles of
best quilts, two pieces of blanketing and as many of rolls for servants, 10 or 12
pairs of shoes and two ofslippers for myself, and one or two other articles which I do
not recollect. At that time there was due to me about thirty pounds, I believe,
for I have mislaid their last account current; and besides I had shipped four
hogsheads of tobacco to that house. The goods have not come to hand, neither
have I yet an account of the sales of tobacco. If they have not sent , nor de-
sign to send the goods I desire you will be so kind as let me have them with
a bonnet for mrs. Wythe, and present the inclosed order and receive the balance.
A few days since I desired you would procure for me an handsome well built
chariot, with the device now sent painted on it, for which you may depend on a
seasonable remittance. I again beg the favour of your attention to the affair of the journals. If
they are not to be procured, let me be informed what 120 printed copies of them
to the year 1752 will cost. If they do not exceed the sum I suppose, the assem
bly, I doubt not, will defray the expense. The prospect of a benefit to me, I flat-
ter myself, will not only excuse the earnestness and frequency of my importuni-
ties, but stimulate your endeavours to serve me in this business. You will oblige
me by sending a copper plate, with the arms of Virginia neatly engraved and
some impressions of them to be pasted on the books belonging to the house of bur-
gesses. If any additions are made on the plate in consequence of what is proposed
within, I will cheerfully pay the extraordinary cost. J.H.N. left us a day or
two ago in good health &c. I forgot to mention that I had drawn bills on messrs.
Jas Buchanan and company for about sixteen pounds payable to mr. James

I am
Dear Sir.
Your sincere friend and well wisher.

G. Wythe

Aug. 18th 1768


John Norton Esq:
Merchant in

Virginia 18th Augst . 1768
George Wythe Esq.
Rec'd 24th October
Goods entd . Pa: 76
P[er] Capt. Robertson.
Answd . The March 1769
P[er] Brilliant