
Letter to John Norton from John Wingfield dated August 4, 1768
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1936.3-0109

Virginia august 4th -1768


I Receiv,d yours by Capt , Robertson with the goods you
Sent me, all safe and free from Damage, but the large Dish,
which was much w[ai]sted, but think they ware Dear bought
Especially the womans hats Shoes and Cloak, but hope you
will make me amends in giting a great price for any tobacco,
I wish it lay in my power to help you to Some tobacco this
year but it do not, I made so little last year, that I am o
blidge to sell in the country, I have a prospect of making
some this year, which if I do you may Depend upon
sending you some next year, and wish I could send it
as soon as it was made, for I expect the forward markets
will be the best for there is a prospect of a great crop

I am Sir Yr Very Hble [Servt ]

John Wingfield


John Norton Esq
in London

Virginia 4th Augst 1768
John Wingfield
Rec'd 24th October
pr Capt. Robertson
ansd the mar. 1769
pr Brilliant