John Norton Letter from John Semple for Elizabeth Marriot dated July 10, 1768
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS 1936.3-0096


Mr John Norton

By the Brilliant, Capt. Robertson, you
will receive 2 hhds Tobo on my Account, for which I ex=
=pect a good Price as I have Reason to believe they are
very good in Quality. I have also herewith sent you an
Invoice of such Goods as I want next year, which I make
no Doubt my Tobacco will pay for, but should I be so
unlucky as to be dissapointed in that Respect, I must
desire you will not withstanding send me all the Goods
I have sent for & shall not fail if I should fall in
your Debt to remitt the Balla either in Tobo or other
wise. Inclosed you will have a Pattern for my Shoes
which must be made full as big as the Pattern. I have
never yet been able to get shoes big enough from London.
Be pleased also to observe that the Gloves must be very
large. Your Favour in the above will oblige

Your most obed. Humble Serv.t

John Semple for Eliza Marriot

July 10th 1768


Invoice of Goods to be ship'd by Mr. John Norton for Eliza . Marriot-

~1pr. of Chintz, w.t Mosaic Ground. 60/a pr. Purple & white Callico 40/.
~1 ps. best german Ozna , 1 pr. Silk Handrc-
~1 pr. blue & white Linnen Handrc, ab.t 12 .d a piece-
~2 pr. of white kid Gloves, ~3 pr. Callomanco Shoes
~1 [illegible] of red & green Cruells, ~1 Oz, white sowing Silk
~1 bell metal Skillet, to hold 3 quarts at least
~1 ditto small pestle + mortar
~2 pr. Of best Temple Spectacles, Mns . Mr. is above 50-
~½ doz. Felt hatts, ½ doz. Ivory Combs, ½ doz. horn ditto
~~2 [illegible] of pins, sorted, large + middiling, 1 [M] white chape . Needles.
~4 [illegible] of Pepper, 4 oz, nutmegts, 4 oz. Mace, 4 oz Cinnamon
~½ pr. Black paduasoy Ribben ½ pc. plain red ditto
~2 [illegible] best Congo tea, 3 [illegible] of fig blue-
~1 doz. Silk laces 2 doz Cotton ditto,

John Semple & E Marriot


Mr. John Norton, Mercht.
[per] the Brilliant} Capt. Robertson} Q.D.C. }

Virginia July 10th 1768
Elizabeth Marriott
Recd Octr . 18th [per] Brilliant
Goods entd [pa 154]
Answd Mar the 1770
[per] Capt Robertson