June 25, 1768 - Letter. Fauquier County, Virginia, George Boswell to John Norton, merchant in London.
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS 1936.3


Fauquier County June 25 1768


I have made free to wright the third letter to you to no if
it [would] be agreeable to ship you some more Tobao; tho I dont
Believe you want my custom for their layd in wear wearhouse a
ton of Gloucester Tobao almost eaighteen months when I expected
you had it Mr Cary had ordered to Received as I lived out of county I
Trusted all to him, the Tobao I no[w] make will be Brought the falls
of Rapahanock River it fine mountain Tobao I believe I could
[illegible]t you three or fore Ton the next crop if yould think it worthe
your while to send up their for it & likewise if you could be shore
of sending my goods up to the falls always that I mite be shore
of geting them, the good I sent for I never Recd they was in the
country almost 12 months before I new of it so that I was oblige
to purchase at a very dear [Rate] in the country, so that Mr Cary
kept them and sold, the Ton of Tobao I ship you I have drawed
a Bill of Exchange & inclouded the Ballance that was due to my
Father estate which was seventeen shilling & 2 pence the hole amo
amount of the Bill £26.4.10 which I hope you will answer
the Debt that was due by my father to you I have [illegible]charge to
Mr Cary I shall be glad to Recd a Letter from you as soon as possible
your comployance will Greatly Oblige Sir

your very Hble Servant

George Boswell


Mr John Norton

Virga 25th June 1768
George Boswell
Recd 30th August
P[er] Capt Esten
Ansd the    March 1769
P[er] Brilliant