March 10, 1771 - Letter from Thomas Everard to John Norton
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS 1936.3

Virga 10th March 1771
Thos Everard
Recd 20 May 1777 Exd
p[er] Capt [Mc Cunn]
Goods entd p. 348~
Ansd the 29 May 1771
p[er] Virginia


Dear Sir

When I wrote to you last in my
invoice I omitted to mention 100 yards of blue Plains
for Negro which I shall want for next years cloathing
and which be pleased to send by any ship to York
or James River and you will oblige.

Your mo: hble sert ,

Thos Everard

10th March 1770


Mr . John Norton
Merchant in