September 1 1777. Letter from Patrick Henry to Colonel Preston
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS 1934.5


Wms burgh Sept. 1st 1777


The Express brot . me yr Favor. I am very sorry
to hear of the War which has again broke out.
Your Orders to the Militia to be in readiness
are very proper. And I could have you
cooperate with Colo. Shelby who has the
Comand in Washington of the Forces kept
up, I afford him such assistances from
Time to Time as the public Danger may
require & yr . County be able to spare. Scouts
are absolutely necessary. good ones may be the
Means of [saving] you. I approve Colo. Shelbys
plan of Defence, & hope it may be executed as
an Expedition over Ohio is impossible now. If
the Enemy break into your County, your Defence
must be your own Militia. If they are too weak
other Countys must reinforce them. But they
must fight if invaded. Colo. Fleming will have
Directions to cooperate. If Amunition is wan
-ted send down for it. The Manager at the Mines
will deliver Lead. perhaps powder can't
be had nearer than Richmond. Colo. Southall
will deliver it to yr . orders. I can't make any
appointment of regular Officers in yr County as
I know not who is proper. Wishing you safety I
am Sir

yr . mo. obd [illegible]er

P. Henry

1777 Col. Preston

Govnr . Letters
Sepr. 1. 1777
& ammunition