September 20, 1773 - A legal notice written by George Wythe [to Patrick Henry] in the case of Roger Gregory vs. the estate of Edward Athawes, deceased, Mary Athawes, administratrix
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1931.4.31

Roger Gregory Plaintiff
Mary Athawes Administration of the Goods } in Chancery
Chattels and Credits of edward Athawes
deceased, Defendant----

The plaintiff, or his Attorney is required to take notice, that, on
the fifth day of next General Court, or so soon afterwards
as Counsel can be heard, a motion will be made to dissolve
the Injunction in this Cause

G Wythe
20th of September 1773

I have received a copy of the
above for Mr Patrick Henry
John C. Sittlepage