MS33.01: Humphrey Harwood Account Book
Folio 11-Folio 15



Mrs Jane Vobe

[Folio] 11Mrs Jane VobeDr.
August 11thTo 300 bricks 9/. 10 bushels of lime 10/. & Mending plastering 12/6£1.11.6
To Whitewashing 14 Rooms, 4 Passages, Barr & 2 poarches @ 5/.5.5.0
23To 25 bushs. lime 25/. 350 larthes 4/4½. & 3 days lar. 7/6 (for Storehouse)for Store house Shead)1.16.10½
To larthing & plastering 15/. 40 bricks 1/3 & layg. harth 3/6. & Whitewg. 4 Rooms 20/.1.19.9
To 400 bricks (pr. your frank) 12/. (& 19th) to a Side of Veal 20/.1.12.0
October 8To 500 bricks 15/. 20 bushs. lime 20/. to [illegible] Store 12/62.7.6
To mending kitching Chimney 3/9. & 2 days labour 5/0.8.9
Decemr. 20To 150 bricks 4/6. 4 bushels of lime 4/. & fixing A Grate 10/. & labour 2/61.7.0
Septemr. 18To 800 Do. @ 5/6, 10 bushels of Lime 15/. to pillering Seller 24/.4.3.0
To 2 Days labour 12/. & Mending well 6/0.18.0
22To 2 Bushels of lime @ 1/6 Mending Kitching Back & harth 8/60.10.6
To labours work 3/.
Per ContraCr.
October 8thBy 6 bushels of Mortar taken away 6/.0.6.0
Septemr. 23rdBy Cash in full pr. Acct.22.0.0

Mrs. Jane Vobe

Mrs. Jane VobeDr.
Octobr. 2ndTo 2 bushs. of lime 3/. & mending Plastering 6/. & labr 4/.0.13.0
To Whitewashg. 12 Rooms, & 3 passages @ 7/6. & front porch 15/.6.7.6
March 20To 31 bushs. of lime @ 4/6 & 1950 bricks @ 16/6, & 7 Days labour @ 12/.19.16.9
To Building an Oven 150/. Repairg. Stove 12/. & Do. to underping. Shop 6/.7.16.0
May 11To 200 bricks 40/. 8 bushs. of lime @ 6/. Mendg. kitchg. back 22/65.10.6
To White washing 13 Rooms. 4 passages, & 2 Stare ways @ 30/.28.10.0
To Mending plastering 15/. & Repairing 4 fier places in House 40/.2.15.0
14To 2 Days labour @ 15/. & Whitewashing front poarch 60/.4.10.0
January 27thTo 250 bricks @ 110/. & 5 bushs. of lime @ 36/. & 1 Days labour @ 80/.26.15.0
To Seting up A Grate, & Repairing a Stove £
February 28To 1950 bricks @ 110/. & 32 bushels @ 36/. & 4 Days labour @ 80/.180.17.0
To building up Celler walls £50 £21.16.1½ old price50.0.0
May 6To An Allowance for the Depreciation of the money632.14.3
[Per Contra][Cr.]
April 25thCr. By 13 loads of Dung @ 5/. old price & that multiplyd. by 45 [illegible]146.5.0
May 6By Cash to Ballance835.0.0

Mrs. Jane Vobe

Mrs. Jane VobeDr.
July 6thTo 500 bricks 13/9. & 11 bushs. of lime @ 9d. & hair 1/. & 2 days lar. 4/.£1.7.0
To Whitewashing 14 Rooms, 4 Passages @ 3/
To mending Plastering 6/. To Mending Kitching back 3/
To Contracting Landary Chimney 10/.0.10.0
Octobr. 4To takeing Down Grate & fixing Back 3/9. & ½ days. lar. 1/30.5.9
August 21To 4 bushs. Lime 4/. & 120 bricks 3/90.7.9
To repairing Well 7/6 & labourers work 2/60.9.6
June 12thTo 12 bushs. of lime @ 1/. hair 6d. & Repairing plastering 6/.0.18.6
To Whitewashing 9 Rooms & 2 passages @ 4/62.9.6
To do. 4 Rooms, & 2 passages below @ 4/6 & 2 days labr. @ 2/61.3.0
To Repairing kitching Chimney 6/. & do. Landary. & harth 5/.0.11.0
To 260 bricks @ 3/ C
February 26To 6 Bushs. of Lime at 1/. & mending Plastering in House 3/.0.9.0
To mending Stove in kitchen 6/. & 1 Days Labour (3/0.9.0
Novemr. 22To 1 bushs. of lime (for Soap) by Laurence 1/
(carried folio 79)£13.5.5
Per ContraCr.
May 8thBy 5 loads of Dung @ 5/. to be paid in work at Old Price1.5.0
April 2By Cash to D. Miller in part 54/2.14.0
June 25By Mr. Richard Egglestons Order for 36/.1.16.0
Folo. 12

Debtors Per Contra

The Corporation of Wmsburg

Folo. 12The Corporation of WmsburgDr.
Septemr. 6thTo bricks, Mortar & Repair Pump wall 6/.£0.6.0
Novemr. 23To takeing up The Grate from Office Drane 10/.0.10.0
June 24To takeing up the Grate at Majr. Hornsbys Door & Repairg. them all 12/0.12.0
To 4 bushels of Mortar 6/. & labours work 3/.0.10.0
30To 5400 bricks, Lime & laying them in the wall at printing office @ 100/.27.00.0
To 50 bushels of Lime @ 1/6. & working up Old bricks 60/. & 6 Days labour @ 4/.7.19.0
To 12 Days labour filing up the Street @ 4/.2.8.0
July 4To Repairing the Lower end of the Dranes 20/. & 2 days labour @ 4/.1.8.0
Per ContraCr.
March 3rdBy Cash of Mr. John Carter. Chamberlane for the }
Corporation & by Order of the Comon Hall }

Miss Rebecca Johnson

Miss Rebecca Johnson
February 9thTo 3 yards of Oznabrigs @ 2/6 & thread 6d£0.3.0
To a pair of Shoes for your man Phill 10/.0.10.0
April 20To Cash paid Geo: Reid Ball of Phills hier 7.8.0
Per ContraCr.
Februy. 4thBy the hier of Phill for the present year Due the Jany. 1st 1784£8.0.0

Mr John Carter (Merchant)

Mr John Carter (Merchant)Dr.
Decemr. 8thTo Mortar 1/. & mending plastering Round Chimney 3/9£0.4.9
May 7To 55 bushels of lime @ 1/6. 1750 bricks @ 5/6. & 5 Days labour @ 4/.9.18.9
To Mending Kitching Chimney 12/. & laying harth 5/. & Cartg. A load of Sand 4/.1.1.0
To Brickin Spring 25/. (1[illegible]th) to 1025 bricks 56/4½. & 17 bushs. lime @ 1/65.6.10½
13To 6 Days labour @ 4/. 2 bushels of hair 5/. & Carting A load of Sand 4/.1.13.0
To Altering Spout to Spring 6/. & laying Kitchg. floor 10/. & Do. Oven harth 4/.1.0.0
To Mending larthing & plasterin in kitchg. 15/. Do. Dary 20/. & underpg. Nesasary 10/.2.5.0
14To Rasein kitching Chimny. 25/. & Alterg. Do. in dine in Room 15/2.0.0
To building A Step to Dary & Nesasary 8/. & 12 days labour @ 4/.2.16.0
15To fixing up Stove in parlow 15/. & 2 days labour n 8/.1.3.0
To Plastering 71 yards @ 9d. layin Slab & harth 7/63.0.3
May 26To 11 Rooms. @ 7/6. including 4 Clossets4.2.6
To Do. Kitching 10/. Day 7/6. Do. Nesasary 4/. Do. 2 passages 15/.1.16.6
Septemr. 19thTo 35 bushs. of Mortar @ 1/6, To pinting Chimneys 6/.2.18.6
To Repairing plasterg. in Chamber, & Do. Closset 15/.0.15.0
To 1 Days labour 6/.0.6.0
To White washing 2 Rooms @ 7/6 41.8.4½0.15.0
Per ContraCr.
Septr. 29thBy 6 Bushels of Mortar taken away at Deferent times0.9.0
By 4 Do.0.6.0
Decr. 19By Cash in full40.13.4½
Mr John CarterDr.
February 4thTo 54 bricks 6/. & 2 bushs. of lime 1[illegible]/. & laying a harth 10/ & labr. 3/.1.15.0
March 8To 100 larthes 6/. 6 bus. lime 38/. & hair 4/. & 1 Days labour 12/2.12.0
To Repairing larthing & plastering & underping to Mr Webbs House 66/.3.6.0
April 23To Whitewashing 2 Rooms. & 2 passages @ 30/.6.0.0
August 31To 240 bricks @ 33/. pr. C. 8 bushs. of lime @ 10/. & Seting up 2 Grates 150/.15.9.0
To laying Kitching Harth 42/. to bricking up fier place in garrot 18/.3.0.0
To 1½ Days labour @ 24/. (October 13th) to mortar & altering Grate 24/.3.0.0
Novr. 15thTo mortar & mending Kitching [illegible]/1.10.0
[Per Contra][Cr.]
Novemr. 22ndBy Chas to Ballance £36.12.0
Mr. John Carter Dr. (Merchant)
July 7To Mortar & mending plastering 1/6£0.1.6
To whitewashg. 1 Room 4/60.4.6
[Carried to Folio 23]0.6.0
[Per Contra][Cr.]
July 10thBy 2 Gall of Vinigar @ 3/0.6.0
Folo. (13)

Debtors Per Contra

Colo. Nathaniel Burwell (Jas. City County)

Folo. (13)Colo. Nathaniel Burwell (Jas. City County)Dr.
March 12thTo 7 bushs. of lime @ 1/6, 150 bricks @ 5/6 building back & mendg. plasterg 12/.£1.10.9
To 1 days labour 4/. at Forcyes Quarter0.4.0
Novemr. 18To 3800 bricks @ 55/. & 80 bushs. of lime @ 1/6. (for Joe Bartlet)16.9.0
To pillering House 24/. & building a Chimney 90/5.14.0
To 10 Days labour @ 6/ & laying 2 harthes @ 10/.3.10.0
Per ContraCr.
January 2ndBy all the the Trees that are Down in & About the }
Whitemarsh Corn feild. Also them Where Ross }
Claired Below John Taylor, & in them woods. }

Colo. Nathaniel Burwell

Colo. Nathaniel BurwellDr.
Decemr. 13thTo plastering 135 yds. @ 3d. (at David Brooks) & 9 Days labr. @ 2/.£2.11.3
22To plastering 192 yds @ 3d at John Gillits & 11 Do. of Do.3.10.0
Decemr. 3To 5 bushs. of lime @ 1/6. To Repairing 4 backs @ 3/.0.19.6
To laying 2 Harthes 6/. & Repairing 2 Others 3/.0.9.0
August 19To 70 bushs. of Lime @ 9d2.18.6
Septemr. 3To 600 Bricks @ 2/91.2.6
6To 9 Days work of Jeary (at the Groves) Repairg. Store's }
House, Kitchen & Building Steps to the Door of the Store }
do & Kitchen & Plastering a Room in Cellar @ 5/. pr Day }
8To 600 Bricks @ 2/9 (Per Joe) for the Chimney at Forcies }
Quarter }
11To 400 Bricks @ 2/9 & building a Chimney 60/.3.11.0
To underpining Trimmer & Laying a harth 5/. & underping. }
End Sills 3/6 }
Novemr. 24To plasterg. 2 Rooms at forcies 36/. & 1 do. at new Quarter 12/.2.8.0
June 24To 1 bush Whitewash 2/. & Whitewashing 2 Rooms at forecies. & 3 do. New Quarter1.4.6
(Carried to folio 76)£22.4.3
Per ContraCr.
Decemr. 23rdBy 10 loads of old wood @ 2/6 With an Ox Cart£1.5.0
January 27By 24 do. @ 2/6 (Febry. 28th) By 11 do. @ 2/64.7.6
March 29By 5 do. @ 2/6. (April 15th) by 9 do. @ 2/61.15.0
January 25By 1 do. @ 2/6, & By A load of your waggon 12/0.14.6
By 4 Barrels of Corn of Daniel Hughs @ 12/.2.3.0
June 20By 50 Bushells of lime from Forcies @ 9d1.17.6
Decemr. 19By 3 Waggon Loads of Wood @ 12/.1.16.0
22By 2 Barrels of Cyder @ ___.1.16.0
January 8By 1 Waggon Load of Wood @ 12/.0.12.0
March 21By 8 do. wood @ 12/. & A Cord of do. by my waggon 10/.5.6.0
June 24thBy A mistake in My Acct. Rendered But Finily Setled0.6.9

Mr Morto Bryan

Mr Morto BryanDr.
1778£ S D
June 14thTo 40 bushs. of un Slacked lime @ 1/6. & (Augt. 14) to 40 Do. @ 1/6£6.0.0
January 6To 10 do. of do. @ 1/6, & 20 do. @ 9d. Septr. To 12 do. @ 1/62.8.0
Decemr. 22To 5 do. @ 9d. & hair 6d. & Mending plastering 6/. & 1 days labr. 2/.0.12.3
March 8To 32 do. of un Slacked lime @ 1/6. (20th) to 5½ do. @ 1/62.16.3
May 1To 40 Do. of Do. @ 1/6 (11th) to 10 do. @ 9d. & a Quarter of Veal 5/.3.12.6
August 21To 34 do. of Do. @ 1/6. Novr. (2nd) to 20 Do. @ 1/64.1.0
Decemr. 15To 16 do. @ 9d. & hair 2/6. & 3½ days labour @ 2/.1.1.6
To Repairing plastering in kitching & Seting up a Kittle 24/1.4.0
Januy. 21stTo 40 bushs. of un Slacked Lime @ 1/63.0.0
Februy. 5To Makeing 2 pair of Shoes for your Daughter 4/.0.4.0
24To 22 Bushs. of lime @ 9d. & 1400 bricks @ 27/6. & 4 days labr. @ 2/.3.2.3
To Seting up your Soap Biller 24/. & Raseing Chimney 6/.1.10.0
April 8To a Quarter of Veal 5/. (24th) to 14 bushs. of lime @ 9d 0.15.6
29To a Quarter do. 5/. (May 7th) to a Quarter do. 5/.0.10.0
June 5To 15 bushs. of lime @ 9d: (Augt. 2nd) to 12 do. @ 1/61.9.3
August 24To 40 bushs. of Do. @ 1/63.0.0
February 26To 100 larths 2/. & hair 1/3. & Repairg. Plasterg. 3/. & Whitewashg. 4 Rooms 15/.1.1.3
June 1To 3 bushs. of lime @ 9d. (& 4th) to a Quarter of lamb 3/.0.5.3
August 7To 8 lb. of Veal @ 4d. (19th) to 21 lb of Veal @ 4d.0.9.8
MayTo a Sholder of Mutton 4/2. (Octobr. 16th) to A bushell of Wheat 6/.0.10.2
Decemr. 10To 4 Bushs. of lime @ 1/6.
Per ContraCr.
Folo. 14

Debtors Per Contra

Capt. Robert Anderson

Folo. 14Capt. Robert AndersonDr.
March 20thTo Dr Brought from Ledger A, & Folio (59)£57.4.4½
24To 64 Bricks 3/6. 1½ bushels of lime 2/3. & 1 Days labour 4/0.9.9
To Seting up A grate with Rubed Bricks 25/.1.5.0
29To 97 lb. of Beef at 1/3 pr. lb.6.1.3
April 13To 2 bushs. lime 3/. Mending Plastering & White washg. 5 Rooms & 2 passages, out house @ 7/62.15.6
To White washing 6 Rooms up Stares @ 7/6 3/9 & the passages 15/.
To Mending plastering in Diferent Rooms 15/. 5/ & White washg. Great Room 12/ 7/61.7.0
May 2To 7. bushs. of lime 10/6. Mendg. A Grate & layg. A harth 7/6. & mendg. Chimny. Mr. Andn. Room 2/61.0.6
To Mendg. Larthing & plasterg. in passage 12/. & 50 bricks 2/9 for Chimneys0.14.9
To Whitewashing 4 Rooms, & 2 Passages below Stares, @ 7/
Septemr. 26To 6½ bushs. lime @ 1/6. hair 1/3. & mendg. plasterg. [illegible] House 9/. & labr. work 1/.1.2.0
To White washg. 14 Rooms, 5 passages, @ 7/6 3/97.2.6
To painting Chimneys 6/. & labours work 3/.0.9.0
May 1To Mortar & mending plastering 10/. & Whitewashing 4 Rooms @ 30/.6.10.0
August 12To 4 Days work takeing down plastering & Grates & takeing up Harthes @ 48/.9.12.0
19To 1600 bricks @ 27/6. pr. C. 65 Bushs. of lime @ 8/. & 14 days labr. @ 20/. [illegible]Cleaning old brick 6 days)62.0.0
To Repairing Kitching Chimney 180/. & buildg. 2 pillers in Celler & Repairg. Steps 80/.13.0.0
21To 40 bushs. of lime @ 8/. 2200 bricks @ 27/6. pr. C & 4 Days labour @ 20/.50.5.0
To underpining Back part of the House £24.0.0. & Rubg. & layg. 4 harthes @ 60/36.0.0
25To Repairing plastering £8.0.0 & pinting Chimneys 48/10.8.0
To laying Kitching harth & floor 180/. 2000 bricks @ 27/6. 6 days labr. @ 20/.42.10.0
To 20 bushs. of lime 8/. & Carting 3 loads of Sand @ 20/.11.0.0
27To 20 bushs. of lime @ 8/. 700 bricks @ 27/6. & 4 Days labr. 80/. & Cartg. a load of Sand 20/.22.12.6
To Repairing Dary floor & plasterg. 20/. & White washing Ditto 36/.2.16.0
To White-washing 7 Rooms. & 3 passages @ 36/.18.0.0
To building a pr. Steps to Street Door 180/. & 2 days labr 40/.11.0.0
To pilering kitching Shead 24/. & underpining front poarch 24/.2.8.0
To Whitewashing Kitching 90/. & 4 bushs. of Whitewash @ 16/.7.14.0
Septemr. 17.To 2 bushs. of lime 16/. 1 Days labr. 20/. & bricking a hole in Smoake House [illegible] 28/.33.44.00
Octobr. 2To 8 bushs. of lime @ 8/. 40 bricks 12/. hair 12/. & Repairg. plasterg. & Grate 150/ & 2 days labr. 40/. A Davenportes13.18.0
3To 2 bushs. of lime 16/. 70 Bricks 21/. layg. a harth 24/. & mendg. Grate 12/.3.13.0
To Repairing plastering in Out House 18/. & White-washg. 7 Rooms @ 36/13.10.0
Octobr. 28.To 6200 bricks @ 27/6. pr. C. 110 bushs. of lime @ 8/. & 12 days lar. @ 20/.141.5.0
To Carting 3 loads of Sand @ 20/. & under-pining Spining House 200/.13.0.0
To building A Chimney to Spining House £35.0.0 6535.0.0
Decemr. 14thTo mortar 6/. & takeing Down A grate & Repairing Chimney 48/2.14.0
Nover 14To A Quarter of beef wet. 80 lb. lent (& to be Returned in like Quality)
Novemr. 17To 1 bushel of lime 1/6. & mending plastering 2/60.4.0
To White washing 2 Rooms & A passage @ 5/.0.15.0
May 14To Whitewashing 2 Rooms 9/. & a passage 4/6 & a Closset 1/
Sepr. 28To 333 lb of Oats in the Straw @ 6/. pr. C1.0.0
E. Excd. By
W. H. Exor
Per ContraCr.
1779By Amt. of Credits brought forward £14.14.7½£145.4.0
May 8thBy Cash Borowed to pay Matt Pearson for Land Boght.13.12.3½
Augt. 12By 100 larthes taken away0.1.0
E. Excd.£28.17. 8½
[Folio] 15

Per Contra Per Contra

Mr William Nicolson

[Folio] 15Mr William NicolsonDr.
March 29thTo 25 lbs. of Beef @ 1/3.4d (April 25th) to A Quarter of Veal 28/5/.£2.11.3
May 28To Plastering 2 fier places & Do. in the Rooms 6/6.3/.0.6.6
To Whitewashin 3 Rooms, 2 passages, & Closset @ 7/6.3/9. & 2 bushs. lime 3/.2.8.0
June 30To A Quarter of Veal 20/. Septr. 10th, to A bottle of Wine 24/.2.4.0
July 17To a bushel of Wheat 9/. (26th)0.9.0
March 8To Whitewashing 2 Rooms @ 30/. Augt. (16th) to lime for Soap 4/.3.4.0
Octobr. 19To Moveing Corn House, & 1 Day 5 of my Negroes & Self 9.0.0
Novemr. 13To 60 bushs. of lime 12/. & 3900 bricks @ £16.10; & 12 days labr. @ 24/.114.15.0
To Carting 3 loads of Sand @ 20/. To pillering Shop £
April 22To 2 bushs. of lim. 1/6. hair 1/. & mendg. plastering 6/. & labr. 2/.0.10.6
May 11.To Whitewashing 1 Room & 2 passages @ 3/[illegible]0.11.3
May 4To Do. 2 Papered Rooms @ 3/9. 1 do. 7/6. & passage up Stears & Down 15/.1.10.0
9To Mortar & mending plastering 3/.0.3.0
To Whitewashing 2 Rooms 15/. in Shop0.15.0
August 15.To 14 bushels of lime @ 1/6 & 1000 bricks @ 5/6 pr. C3.16.0
To building a pair of Steps 30/. & labours work 7/61.17.6
Novemr. 29To 10½ Bushells of Wheat @ 6/ £
Februy. 27To 1 load Wheat Straw 18/.0.18.0
Septemr. 26To 2 bushs of Wheat @ 6/.0.12.0
January 27To Cash 12/7½ & a Load of Wheat straw 15/. £29.9.2½1.7.7½
Reduced to Specie29.9.2½
Januy. 18To 3½ flower Barrels of Corn Lent you & Not Setled for
Per ContraCr.
August 15thBy 2 bushels of lime taken away£0.3.0
August 31By His acct. Delivered in this Day & Setled as
Per Receipt to Amount of his acct. £35.15.6 but Ruced to

Mr Cornelus Deforist

Mr Cornelus DeforistDr.
April 13thTo 4800 Bricks @ 27/6 & 80 bushels of lime @ 9d£9.12.0
To Carting 2 loads of Sand 4/. & 6½ Days labr. @ 2/0.17.0
18To 400 bricks 11/. & Building A Oven 35/.2.6.0
April 28To 130 Do. 3/6; & 2 bushs. of lime 2/. (pr. your Negro)0.5.6
October 25To 12 bushs. of lime @ 1/6 & hair 1/. & labours work 6/.1.5.0
To Mending larthing & plastering 25/. & laying A harth 5/.1.10.0
Novr. 24To White washing A Room 7/
August 8To 22100 bricks @ 192/. pr. Me, & 270 Bushs. of lime @ 5/9288.16.6
To 36 Days labr. @ 15/. & Carting 16 loads of Sand @ 16/.39.0.0
To 7 Days work Rubing Bricks for Oven Hearths @ 42/. & 1 bus. of hair 8/915.2.9
To Building A pair Of Ovens, & Chimney £96.1296.12.0
Octobr. 16thTo 1700 bricks @ 27/6 pr. Mo. (Old price)2.6.9
Per ContraCr.
July 20thBy Cash in part. 100/. Octobr. 25th, By Ditto 100/.£10.0.0
January 11By Cash100.0.0
July 27By Ditto in part30.0.0