Virginia Gazette Index
Frankland to Fredericksville parish
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- +Frankland,
- Thomas,
- Capt.,
- of the Rose,
- Capt.,
- Thomas,
- +Frankland, brig,
- +Franklin,
- −Capt.,
- of the Postillion,
- −Mr.,
- of Henrico co.,
- −Widow,
- house burned by British,
- −Benjamin,
- −activities in London,
- −activities in Paris,
- −addressed (text) by Continental congress,
- −administers subscription for relief of Boston,
- −agent for Ga.,
- −agent for Mass.,
- −agent for N. J.,
- −agent for Pa.,
- −ambassador to Can.,
- −ambassador to Fr.,
- −appointed by Continental congress to meet with Lord Howe,
- −appointed postmaster general,
- −appoints Purdie postmaster in Williamsburg,
- −arranges exchange of prisoners,
- −arrives in Fr.,
- −arrives in N. Y.,
- −arrives in Phila.,
- −arrives in Watertown,
- −associated with London,
- −attempts Stamp act repeal,
- −authorship of play refuted,
- −books on,
- −child named for,
- −chosen fellow of Royal society,
- −chosen president of Pa. convention,
- −comments on by Priestley and Beccaria,
- −concludes treaty with Fr.,
- −conduct in Commons praised,
- −conference with British ambassador rumored,
- −confers with Lord Howe,
- −conversation with Marie Antoinette,
- −corresponding member of Society for advancement of useful knowledge,
- −crosses Lake George,
- −death of wife,
- −delegate to second Continental congress,
- −demand by British denied,
- −deputy postmaster general of N. Am.,
- −elected to Royal academy of sciences,
- −elected Pa. delegate to Continental congress,
- −electricity discoveries of,
- −examined in London,
- −expected in Phila.,
- −experiments imitated in Paris,
- −fits out frigate,
- −forwards requests for ambassadors,
- −heads revolution,
- −invents electrical machine,
- −land granted to,
- −leaves Albany,
- −letter from Bond quoted,
- −letter from discussed in Va. convention,
- −letter (text) from Howe,
- −negotiates treaty with Fr.,
- −negotiations with Fr. and Sp. discussed,
- −observes effects of thunder in London,
- −on committee to establish Continental army,
- −opinions on colonial relations with Gt. Brit.,
- −opposed by ministry,
- −opposed in Eng.,
- −petitions Commons,
- −population calculations of,
- −praised,
- −presented to Louis XVI,
- −presents petition to king,
- −presents prints to Phila.,
- −promotion of rumored,
- −protests British treatment of prisoners,
- −received in Paris,
- −receives reports of deserters,
- −reception in Fr. described,
- −recommends French officers,
- −recommends immunity for Capt. Cook,
- −refuses conciliation with Gt. Brit.,
- −refuses reinstatement,
- −remarks on colonial taxation,
- −remarks on ministry,
- −replaced as deputy postmaster general,
- −reports treaty with Fr.,
- −represents colonies in Eng.,
- −requested to leave Fr.,
- −resigns as colonial agent,
- −responsible for sending Hutchinson's and Oliver's letters to Boston,
- −restraint in Fr. requested by Gt. Brit.,
- −returns to Phila.,
- −revered in Fr.,
- −scientific achievements discussed,
- −seizure requested by British,
- −sends Prussian to Congress,
- −signs petition against Boston port bill,
- −State of the contest between Great Britain and America quoted,
- −stays in London,
- −subscriber to Grand Ohio company,
- −supervises Continental affairs in Montreal,
- −supports independent post office,
- −terms of French alliance proposed by,
- −to Cambridge,
- −to Eng. rumored,
- −to N. Y. from London,
- −toasted by Continental congress,
- −tours Ire. and Scot.,
- −treatment by British ministry criticized,
- −treatment opposed in Del.,
- −trial of reported,
- −trip to Vienna rumored,
- −warns of British fleet,
- −wave prevention theory adopted in Holl.,
- −witticisms on Stormont in Paris,
- −works published in London,
- −James,
- −Joseph,
- −Michael,
- −Thomas,
- −Thomas,
- −William,
- −gov. of N. J.,
- addresses criticized,
- −addresses of,
- −addresses (text) of,
- 1775,
- −addresses (text) of,
- −arrives in N. Y.,
- −attends treaty discussions at Fort Stanwix,
- −authorized to grant indemnities,
- −calls general assembly,
- −meets with Gov. Trumbull,
- −pardons counterfeiters,
- −proclamation denied by provincial congress,
- −proclamations of,
- −proclamations of,
- −receives circular letter from Howe,
- −replaced by Col. Dalrymple,
- −safety guaranteed by council,
- −salary denied by provincial congress,
- −slave of,
- −stationed at Wallingford,
- −summons N. J. general assembly,
- −gov. of N. J.,
- −Capt.,
- +Franklin, Mass.,
- ships of captured by British,
- +Franklin, Cont. schooner,
- −privateer,
- −schooner,
- +Frankling,
- +Frankling, ship,
- +Franklyn,
- −Mr.,
- requests trade relief for colonies,
- −Peter,
- −Mr.,
- +Franks,
- −Ritchie,
- See also: Francks
- +Franks, Levy &,
- +Fraser,
- −Adjutant,
- imprisoned in Halifax jail,
- −Capt.,
- of the Catherine,
- −Lt.,
- prisoner of war in Boston,
- −Lt. Col.,
- −Major,
- commands British in S. C.,
- −Mr.,
- −of King William co.,
- −[James],
- author,
- Purdie and Dixon: Feb. 25, 1768 – pg. 4, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: Sept. 17, 1772 – pg. 2, col. 1
- Dixon and Hunter: Nov. 25, 1775 – pg. 1, col. 2
- Dixon and Hunter: Dec. 30, 1775 – pg. 1, col. 1
- Dixon and Hunter: Feb. 24, 1776 – pg. 4, col. 3
- Dixon and Hunter: Mar. 2, 1776 – pg. 4, col. 1
- Dixon and Hunter: Mar. 9, 1776 – pg. 4, col. 1
- Dixon and Hunter: May 25, 1776 – pg. 4, col. 3
- Dixon and Hunter: Aug. 24, 1776 – pg. 5, col. 1
- author,
- −John,
- Capt.,
- of the Charming Molly,
- Capt.,
- −Simon,
- Pinkney: Oct. 20, 1774 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: Oct. 20, 1774 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Dixon and Hunter: Jan. 27, 1776 – pg. 3, col. 3
- −adv. estate for sale,
- −adv. for runaway slave,
- −adv. teaching of military discipline,
- −adv. ship for charter,
- −adv. theft in Williamsburg,
- −announces election to Va. convention,
- −merchant in Warwick co.,
- −refuses to accept tea,
- −retires as agent of John M'Doual & co.,
- −subscriber to meeting of Va. merchants,
- −[Simon],
- Gen.,
- Dixon and Hunter: June 29, 1776 – pg. 1, col. 2
- Purdie: Aug. 30, 1776 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Dixon and Hunter: Aug. 31, 1776 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Dixon and Hunter: Oct. 11, 1776 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Dixon and Hunter: Nov. 1, 1776 – pg. 1, col. 2
- Purdie: Oct. 31, 1777 – pg. 2, col. 1
- Clarkson and Davis: Aug. 28, 1779 – pg. 1, col. 2
- Gen.,
- −Simon,
- −William,
- −William,
- See also: Frazer
- −Adjutant,
- +Fraser & Crosby,
- +Fraser's ferry,
- −Va.,
- See also: Ships at
- +Frasher,
- +Frasier,
- −Mary,
- alias of Mary Meade,
- −Mary,
- +Frauds,
- −in Birmingham,
- −in Bordeaux,
- −in Edinburgh,
- −in Edmonton,
- −in Eng.,
- −in France,
- −in Gravesend,
- −in Hispaniola,
- −in London,
- Eng.,
- Parks: Dec. 1, 1738 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Parks: Oct. 5, 1739 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Hunter: Apr. 3, 1752 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Hunter: Oct. 12, 1752 – pg. 2, col. 1
- Hunter: Dec. 8, 1752 – pg. 2, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: Jan. 15, 1767 – pg. 2, col. 3
- Purdie and Dixon: Jan. 29, 1767 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: June 18, 1767 – pg. 2, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: Nov. 12, 1767 – pg. 1, col. 1
- Rind: Feb. 4, 1768 – pg. 1, col. 3
- Rind: Feb. 4, 1768 – pg. 1, col. 4
- Purdie and Dixon: Aug. 18, 1768 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: Aug. 10, 1769 – pg. 2, col. 3
- Purdie and Dixon: Aug. 22, 1771 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: Feb. 27, 1772 – pg. 2, col. 3
- Purdie and Dixon: Apr. 16, 1772 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: June 4, 1772 – pg. 2, col. 3
- Purdie and Dixon: June 18, 1772 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Rind: Apr. 1, 1773 – pg. 1, col. 2
- Pinkney: Mar. 23, 1775 – pg. 2, col. 1
- Eng.,
- −in Nancy,
- −in N. Y.,
- −penalties rumored in Gt. Brit.,
- −trials for in London,
- +Fraunce's elixirs,
- +Fraunce's female pills,
- for sale,
- in Williamsburg,
- for sale,
- +Fraunce's female strengthening elixir,
- −for sale,
- in Williamsburg,
- Va.,
- Hunter: Nov. 30, 1759 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: June 18, 1767 – pg. 3, col. 3
- Purdie and Dixon: Oct. 27, 1768 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Rind: Oct. 27, 1768 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: Nov. 29, 1770 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: Dec. 13, 1770 – pg. 4, col. 3
- Purdie and Dixon: Jan. 17, 1771 – pg. 4, col. 3
- Purdie and Dixon: Jan. 24, 1771 – pg. 4, col. 3
- Purdie and Dixon: Apr. 11, 1771 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: Aug. 29, 1771 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: July 2, 1772 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Va.,
- in Williamsburg,
- −for sale,
- +Frazer,
- −Capt.,
- −of the British army in N. Y.,
- −of the Lord Mansfield,
- −Col.,
- in French and Indian war,
- −Major,
- of British army in N. J.,
- −Mr.,
- testifies on murder in Va.,
- −A.,
- opposes Dr. Griffin's dismissal in Yorktown,
- −James,
- −James,
- −Capt.,
- −of the Mary,
- −John,
- −John G.,
- −adv. damaged goods for sale,
- −adv. for runaway indentured servants,
- −adv. for ship to charter,
- −adv. stores for sale,
- −announces departure,
- −announces dissolution of partnership,
- −announces payment of bond,
- −announces retirement,
- −arrives in Williamsburg,
- −business vouched for,
- −conduct criticized by Thomas Moore,
- −denies accusations of Thomas Moore,
- −settlement of accounts of,
- −Peter,
- −Simon,
- −Capt.,
- +Frazer & Tremlett,
- +Frazer's ferry,
- +Frazer's ordinary,
- See also: Fraser
- +Frazier,
- −Ensign,
- captured by American ship,
- near Boston,
- captured by American ship,
- −Lt.,
- −captured by American ship,
- near Boston,
- −of 71st regiment at Bonhamtown,
- −captured by American ship,
- −Alexander,
- −John,
- −Ensign,
- +Frearson,
- David,
- −Capt.,
- death of in Bardados,
- −of the John and Mary,
- −Capt.,
- David,
- +Frederica,
- −Ga.,
- described,
- See also: Ships to Phila., Pa., from
- −Ga.,
- +Frederica, sloop,
- +Frederick,
- +Frederick II,
- −of Prussia,
- anecdotes about,
- −character discussed,
- −designs on Russian throne,
- −insanity reported,
- −interview with Joseph II,
- −letter (text) to Voltaire,
- −literary interests of,
- −plans to take ports on Vistula river,
- −views on U. S. independence,
- −visit to Eng. rumored,
- −of Prussia,
- +Frederick William I,
- character sketch of,
- +Frederick,
- +Frederick, Md.,
- −committee,
- resolutions (text) of,
- −suggested as meeting place for Continental congress,
- See also: Executions for murder in; Ferries in; Jails in; Prisoners of war, Tories, in; Quitrents in; Robberies in; Stealing in; Steeples, church, in; Stocking weavers in; Weavers, worsted in
- −committee,
- +Frederick, brig,
- +Frederick and David,
- +Frederick co.,
- −Md.,
- committee of correspondence in,
- See also: Auctions in; Coal houses in; Convict servants runaway from; Effigies burned in; Ferries in; Furnaces for sale in; Furnaces in; Indentured servants runaway from; Land for sale in; Non-exportation agreements supported in; Non-importation agreements supported in; Slaves runaway from; Stealing in; Stone bellows houses in; Stone buildings in; Stone casting houses in; Stone gristmills in; Weddings, described, in
- −Md.,
- +Frederick co., Va.,
- −burgesses elected,
- Hunter: Feb. 27, 1752 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: Dec. 15, 1768 – pg. 2, col. 3
- Rind: Dec. 15, 1768 – pg. 2, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: Sept. 28, 1769 – pg. 2, col. 3
- Rind: Nov. 9, 1769 – pg. 1, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: Dec. 26, 1771 – pg. 2, col. 3
- Rind: Apr. 15, 1773 – pg. 2, col. 3
- Purdie and Dixon: Aug. 4, 1774 – pg. 2, col. 3
- −census requested,
- −chancery court,
- −committee,
- resolutions (text) of,
- −court,
- land sold by order of,
- −courts regulated by general assembly,
- −delegates elected,
- −divided,
- −in sixth senatorial district,
- −resolutions of,
- −senator elected,
- −sheriff's sales in Frederick co.,
- −sheriff's summons,
- −volunteers join Washington,
- See also: Boston port bill, relief from by; Clergy, Anglican, in; Convict servants runaway from; Dairies in; Dwelling houses in; Ferries in; Forges in; Georgia battalion, second, enlistments in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron in; Iron works in; Jails in; Kitchens in; Land, limestone, for sale in; Land, mortgaged for sale in; Land, ownership of, disputed in; Land for sale in; Lead ore in; Lime in; Merchant mills in; Merchants in; Militia of; Militia claims in; Mills in; Musters, general, dates appointed for in; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Overseers' houses in; Quarters in; Quarters, Negro in; Robberies in; Sawmills in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves runaway from; Stables in; Stealing in; Stone houses in; Tobacco houses in; Tub mills in; Woodcutters, adv. for in
- −burgesses elected,
- +Frederick parish,
- −Va.,
- −vestry dissolved by general assembly,
- −reimbursed by general assembly,
- See also: Churches in; Glebe land in
- −Va.,
- +Frederick parish church,
- +Frederick springs,
- Va.,
- dentists at,
- Va.,
- +Fredericksburg,
- N. Y.,
- See: Continental army headquarters moved to
- N. Y.,
- +Fredericksburg, Va.,
- −army supplies bought at,
- −committee of correspondence appointed in,
- −independent company,
- −post office in,
- −public square,
- −raises fund for apprehending horse thieves,
- −schedule of post rider at,
- −streets,
- Parks: Mar. 27, 1746 – pg. 4, col. 2
- Hunter: Oct. 17, 1755 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Purdie: Sept. 5, 1766 – pg. 4, col. 2
- Rind: Sept. 5, 1766 – pg. 4, col. 1
- Rind: Mar. 12, 1767 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: Apr. 23, 1767 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: Apr. 21, 1768 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: June 8, 1769 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Purdie and Dixon: Nov. 21, 1771 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Purdie and Dixon: June 16, 1774 – pg. 2, col. 3
- Pinkney: Apr. 20, 1775 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Purdie: Dec. 8, 1775 – pg. 3, col. 3
- Dixon and Hunter: Dec. 9, 1775 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Purdie: May 17, 1776 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Purdie: Apr. 18, 1777 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Dixon and Hunter: Aug. 15, 1777 – pg. 6, col. 1
- Purdie: Aug. 15, 1777 – pg. 3, col. 2
- Purdie: Apr. 3, 1778 – pg. 2, col. 2
- Dixon and Hunter: July 10, 1778 – pg. 4, col. 1
- Dixon and Hunter: Oct. 30, 1778 – pg. 4, col. 1
- Dixon and Hunter: Nov. 13, 1778 – pg. 1, col. 2
- Dixon and Nicolson: Mar. 26, 1779 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Dixon and Nicolson: Apr. 16, 1779 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Dixon and Nicolson: Nov. 13, 1779 – pg. 3, col. 1
- Dixon and Nicolson: Feb. 5, 1780 – pg. 4, col. 1
- Dixon and Nicolson: Apr. 1, 1780 – pg. 3, col. 1
- −town house in,
- −trustees of,
- See also: American company of comedians in; Apple orchards in; Arms manufacture in; Associations in Va. violated in; Attorneys in; Bake houses in; Balls in; Billiard tables for sale in; Boarding schools, adv. of in; Bolting cloths in; Boston port bill, relief from by; Brew houses in; Brick and stone brew houses in; Brick and stone malt houses in; Brick buildings in; Brick houses, described in; Brick houses in; Brick storehouses in; Butchers in; Cabinetmakers, journeymen, adv. for in; Calico manufacture in; Cambric manufacture in; Card making, adv. of in; Carriage makers, adv. of in; Cellars in; Chariot houses in; Checks manufacture in; Churches in; Circles, adv. making of in; Clerks adv. for in; Cloth manufacture in; Coach houses in; Coffeehouses in; Concerts in; Continental army ordered from; Convict servants runaway from; Corduroy manufacture in; Corn houses in; Corn houses near; Cotton manufacture in; Counting houses in; Cow houses in; Crops plentiful in; Dairies in; Dams in; Dentists in; Deserters from Va. troops in; Dimity manufacture in; Drawboys manufacture in; Druggists in; Dwelling houses described in; Dwelling houses in; Earthquakes in; Executions for robbery in; Factories in; Fairs in; Falling gardens in; Farms in; Fast days in; Ferries in; Fire rooms in; Flax manufacture in; Floods in; Flour manufacture in; Freemasons in; Freestone quarries in; Fuel, price high in; Furnaces near; Gardens in; Goldsmiths in; Grammar schools, public, in; Granaries in; Gun manufacture in; Gunsmiths in; Harness makers in; Hemp manufacture in; Hen houses in; Horse racing in; Houses and lots for sale in; Houses in; Indentured servants for sale in; Indentured servants runaway from; Iron rooms in; Iron works for sale in; Jails in; Jean, Indian, manufactured in; Jean manufacture in; Jewelers in; Jockey clubs in; Joiners shops in; Kitchens in; Land for rent near; Land leased near; Landings in; Laundries in; Laundry houses in; Lawn manufacture in; Lemon trees in; Linen manufacture in; Locksmiths in; Lodgings in; Log houses in; Lots, lease of, for sale in; Lots, ownership of, disputed in; Lots for rent in; Lots for sale in; Lotteries in; Lumber houses in; Malthouses in; Manufactures in; Market houses in; Meat houses in; Merchant mills for rent in; Merchants in; Militia of; Mill houses in; Milliners in; Mills in; Muslin manufacture in; Offices in; Orange trees in; Orchards near; Ordinaries in; Outhouses in; Pastures in; Peach orchards in; Physicians in; Pillow manufacture in; Postriders between; Prices current, textile in; Prize ships, S. C., cargo for sale in; Prize ships, S. C., for sale in; Public houses in; Quilting manufacture in; Recruiting for Dunmore's troops in; Robberies in; Rope makers in; Roquelaures, making of adv. in; Saddlers in; Saddlers, journeymen in; Sailors adv. for in; Salt houses in; Salt sheds in; Satinet manufacture in; Schools in; Scotch merchants in; Sermons preached in; Servants apartments in; Sheds in; Ship carpenters in; Ships for charter in; Ships for sale in; Ships from; Ships in; Shipyards in; Shoemakers, indentured, for sale, near; Shoemakers, journeymen, adv. for, in; Shoemakers shops in; Silversmiths in; Slaves, reversion of, for sale in; Slaves for hire in; Slaves for sale in; Slaves found, adv. for in; Slaves found in; Slaves runaway from; Smallpox in; Smiths shops in; Smiths shops, described in; Smoke houses in; Snuff manufacture in; Spinners adv. for in; Spinning, adv. of in; Springs in; Stables in; Staymakers, adv. of in; Stealing in; Stocking manufacture in; Stocking weavers, journeymen, adv. for in; Stone smokehouses in; Stone storehouses in; Stone warehouses in; Storehouses in; Stores in; Surgeons in; Tailors in; Tailors, journeymen in; Tanneries in; Tanyards in; Taverns in; Tea boycotted in; Teachers adv. for in; Tenements for rent in; Tenements in; Theatres in; Thicket manufacture in; Timber yard in; Tobacco inspectors in; Tories imprisoned in; Undertakers adv. for in; Velveret manufacture in; Velvet manufacture in; Vendues in; Virginia light dragoons regiment, 1st, ordered to report to; Virginia light dragoons regiment, 3rd, ordered to report in; Virginia regiment, 5th, ordered to report in; Virginia regiment, 10th, ordered to report in; Virginia regiment requested to meet in; Virginia regiments, officers ordered to report in; Virginia soldiers ordered to report to; Warehouses in; Wash houses in; Watchmakers in; Water mills in; Weavers adv for in; Weaving adv. of in; Wells in; Wharves in; Wheat, condition of crop near; Wheel makers in; Wool manufacture in
- +Fredericksburg, schooner,
- −ship,
- +Fredericksburg brewery,
- +Fredericksburg springs,
- Va.,
- dentists at,
- Va.,
- +Fredericksburg warehouse,
- +Fredericksville parish,
- −Va.,
- clerks notice posted in,
- −refund from St. Martin parish ordered,
- −Va.,