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Research Report Search

Date Title Author
1988 Colonial Theatre Historical Report, Block 29 Building 17A Kollatz, Harry E.
1988 Material Goods Associated with Rural Blacks in the Eighteenth Century Gaynor, Jay, and Martha Katz-Hyman, Alecia Tucker
1988 Clothes for the People, Slave Clothing in Early Virginia Baumgarten, Linda
1988 Wetherburn's Tavern Curatorial Report, Block 9 Building 31 Leviner, Betty, Linda Baumgarten, and Ron Hurst
1988 Barraud (Dr.) House Historical Report, Block 10 Building 1 Lot 19 Powers, Lou
1988 Barraud (Dr.) House Architectural Report, Block 10 Building 1 Lounsbury, Carl
1988 Dr. Barraud House Architectural Report, Block 10 Building 1 Lot 18 & 19 Brinkley, M. Kent
1988 Carter's Grove Slave Quarter's Archaeological Report, Block 50 Samford, Patricia
1988 Block 2, Providence Hall Trust Property: Archaeological Briefing Samford, Patricia
1987 Population Profile of Williamsburg in 1748, A Hellier, Cathy, and Kevin Kelly
1987 Recent Evidence of Gardening in Eighteenth Century Williamsburg Brown, Marley R., and Patricia M. Samford
1987 Wheels of Government and the Machinery of Justice in the First Capitol, The Hemphill, John M.
1987 Archaeology at Port Anne Edwards, Andrew C.
1987 Marketing Meat and Fish in the Eighteenth-Century Tidewater: The Documentary Evidence for the Existence of Markets in Early Peninsula Towns Brown, Gregory J.
1987 Custis Garden Archaeological Report, Block 4 Samford, Patricia
1987 Courthouse of 1770 Historical Report, Block 19 Building 3 Konig, David Thomas
1987 Printing Office Shelter Architectural Report, Block 18 Building 12J Lot 48 Chappell, Edward
1987 Booker Tenement Architectural Report, Block 27 Building 4 Fleming, Sharon E.
1987 Dr. Barraud House Trash Pit Samford, Patricia
1986 Public Hospital Architectural Report, Block 4-3 Building 11 McDonald, Travis C.
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855 item(s) found